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Monday, September 10, 2012

First Post (I barely know what I'm doing)

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As with this being my first post, this was also the first article on this subject that I've read. Obviously t uses may term that I do not understand. Such as the A4 canvas. I look forward to learning more about this because it seems like a fascinating and enjoyable community. Although I haven't had a chance to use this in person because it's on Illustrator, I really look forward to trying this on the first available opportunity. In my minimal experience, it's hard to really see how effective the tutorial itself is. From what others have said in the comments, it's moderately good at helping you achieve the same effect. It apparently leaves it more up to "your own steam" to make it. Also there were some technical errors like being unable to select Outline Stroke in step 2


  1. The colors of the word really make the words pop out of the green background.

  2. I really like the detail on the words and the design behind it. And the colors make it very interesting, and I think that everything was very well thought out.
